Current Events


Superintendent Diana Greene 


The Florida Times-Union (

Article Title

"As Duval School Board meets over bad teachers, is Superintendent Diana Greene's job safe?"

Article date: April 25th, 2023     


Who was involved? 

Superintendent Diana Greene, parents, teachers, students

Where did this event happen? 

 Duval County, Jacksonville, Florida

When did this event happen?  

This is a problem that has been escalating for the last few years and is quickly coming to a head, possibly this Wednesday.

What happened? 

For years, since her appointment in 2018, Superintendent Diana Greene has been under fire for her questionable judgement and actions regarding school issues. However, recently at Douglas Anderson School of the Arts, a teacher was charged with acting in a lewd manner towards a student. This led to a full-fledged investigation into the matter where it was found that many complaints where made against this teacher but it was never acted on. Due to this, the Superintendent of Duval Schools is being called into question because of her blatant disregard of this issue. However, there was a protest held by 50 or so people, to defend the superintendent for scrutiny.

Why is this event relevant? 

This is relevant because like other political figures of the past, political figures of our current time are also being scrutinized for questionable decisions and poor judgment.


The Duval County Public School board is about to go through a lengthy process of looking for a new Superintendent after a recent controversy. The controversy in question is “a 65-year-old music teacher with a long history of coaching singers, was charged last month with lewd conduct with a student, a felony” (Patterson, 1). This act occurred at Douglas Anderson School of the Arts and has caused the career of Superintendent Diana Greene to be called into question, mainly because her office had the complaints of this teacher on file and never acted on them or launched an investigation. This led to a group of parents, teachers and community members gathering to support Greene and try to show support for her.


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