A Land Remembered Summary

So I've been reading this book, A Land Remembered, and let me tell you this is a really really good book. So far we've been following the story of Tobias MacIvey, a man who took his family (Wife Emma and son Zech) from rural Georgia and moved them to mid 19th century Florida. From the getgo we can tell Tobias is a very ambitious man who wants nothing but the best for his family. We can also tell from the start that he is setting forth on his own American Dream. Throughout the first few chapters we see Tobias struggle to survive in the harsh wilderness of Florida and try to figure out ways to survive and thrive. Then through some chance happenings, he ran into some Seminoles in need of help, to which he obliged, giving them food and shelter. During that time Tobias shared his troubles with the natives in hopes of gaining some wisdom from the people who were native to the harsh environment he was trying to tame. From this interaction he gained 2 things, hope and information (that he needed a marsh tackie and he needed to let the cattle graze naturally). Fast forward 2 trips away from home (one to help the government cattle range and the other to help confederates cut wood) and a run-in with bushwhackers (killed their ox and took the showgun), the MacIvey family woke up to spot 2 dogs and a marshtackie tied to their fence, to which they found out was a gift from the natives for their help previously. Then started Tobias and Zech's journey to round up cattle. During their first few attemps it was a little sloppy but just as they were going to give up one day, the dogs ran a freedman named Skillet into the bushes, to which the MacIveys promptly invited them into their home and promised payment for help in food. With the help from Skillet, the MacIvey clan finally had enough cattle to start a drive. After a few days they reach their "destination", which they quickly find out their real destinstion is on the other side of Florida. Then through some unfortunate events in their way to Punta Rassa, they lose the herd and go back to restart the herd. The next year they know where to go and how to get there. Only problem is they know they need more people, so they bring in Frog and Bonzo, 2 former confederate soldiers looking to make some money. With this new help, they successfully reach Punta Rassa with over a thousand cattle and sell them all for $16 a cattle (which is a lot back then). Also, while in Punta Rassa, Zech wins a horse race and wins a large amount of land just north of there. After that, for many years these cattle drives of the MacIvey's get bigger and more profitable until they have so much money they don't know what to do with it. During this time were introduced to Glenda, a romantic intrest of Zech, an intelligent girl who has red hair and smells like flowers. They met at a chance encounter when Zech was in town for supplies. After this, while on a cattle drive, Tobias and co, encountered the children of the Natives they helped long ago, who were hoping to get cattle from Tobias to help feed the village, to which Tobias once again obliged. But this turned fatal for the young boys when they were found and killed by other cowboys. Which made Tobias fly into a rage and beat the other cowboys nearly to death. He then took the cattle to the village to inform his old friends of the tragic news while also delivering cattle. Then, Tobias fell ill with malaria and Zach met a second romantic intrest, Twanda. Twanda was a native girl who was the complete opposite of Glenda, which facinated and enthralled Zech. They were stuck together like 2 peas and a pod for the week Tobias was sick. Now were getting more into Zech's story, which so far covers that he isn't the best person. Even though he has good intentions? Though crazily conflicted, Zech eventually realizes that no matter what, he is a MacIvey and that means no matter who he choses to be with, he will be no different than he was before. This newfound knowledge makes him realize Glenda is the woman for him. To which he promptly marries her. After this they, in the least graphic terms possible, validate the marriage. A few months go by and its time for another cattle drive, but before they go, Glenda tells Emma she is pregnant, and to Emma's dismay, Glenda insists on going on the drive to prove herself to Zech. The drive goes well, they get their money, and they head home. But on the way home the MacIvey clan got jumped by a pack of bushwhackers, got their Marshtackie killed, and caused Glenda to have a miscarriage, which enraged Zech. Once calming down, Zech promises Glenda it's okay and promises her to get Marshtackies from the Natives. Months go by and Zech heads to the Native village to get the horses, when suddenly he remembered about Twanda and his time with her. The feelings he had for her flood back when he sees her again in his brief stint in the village, which leads to some.... unfortunate events. Zech leaving the village and feeling terrible for what he has done, justifies it by telling himself the Glenda lied about being pregnant. 

All in all, I'm really enjoying the book, the story of prosperity developing into a juicy love triangle, well its sort of a love triangle? I mean I know Zech had a baby with Twanda because Solomon's life was discussed in the beginning of the book and he said he had a native American brother. Which is crazy, but what's really bothering me is figuring out how Glenda finds out about the affair. This book has me on the edge of my seat and I'm quite sad I'm reaching the end of the book, but I'm really enjoying the story I've read so far.


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