History of Florida Chapter 10 Analysis

 Who are the Authors?

Susan Richbourg Packer and William S. Coker

Identify and discuss the issue of "perspective" with regards to Anglo writings of Spanish Government. 

The English writers had a bias against the Spaniards, this is because they believed that they were, as a people, inferior or defective. (Parker and Coker, 163)

How did Spain cede one territory and receive two back twenty years later?

Spain relinquished La Florida to the British in exchange for their West Indies colonies during the signing of the Treaty of Versailles. Once the British got ahold of it, they split the territory into West and East Florida. Then once Spain declared war on Britain, Florida was once again back to Spain, but as 2 separate territories. (Parker and Coker, 162)   

Describe the two territories, their locations, capitols and industry & resources.

West: (Parker and Coker. 162-166)

  • Location: Apalachicola River to east of the Mississippi, the Isle of Orleans to the Gulf of Mexico and 31 degrees north. 
  • Capitol: Pensacola 
  • Industry/Resources: Tobacco, indigo, lumber, fish and game.

East: (Parker and Coker, 162-168)

  • Location: St. Mary's River and everything south that isn't West Florida.
  • Capitol: St. Augustine
  • Industry/Resources: Colonial goods and trade. 
    A map of East and West Florida during the time
    of British Rule.

What are some of the turning points for the rapid turnover of FL (Spanish/British/Spanish/U.S.)?

Spanish to British: Treaty of Versailles, FL traded for Spain's West Indies Colonies.

British to Spain: Treaty broke when revolutionary war kicked off in the United States and Spain declared war on Britain. 

Spain to USA: A series of conflicts, rebellions, raids, etc. Led to the United States becoming involved with the Spanish territory. When this occurred, Spain was too poor to do anything about it so they offered to sell the territory to the United States.  

Present evidence of Political, Social, and Economic influence/affects in Chapter 10

Political/Social: (Parker and Coker, 162-176)

  • FL traded hands many times in the span of 80 years. 
  • FL was a safe place for former slaves, free men and Natives.
  • The states apart of the U.S. did not approve of this kind of action so close to them.
  • Rebellions and raids occurred on both sides due to these conflicts of interest.
Economic: (Parker and Coker. 162-176)

  • Florida was a very fertile state, had the proper soil and capabilities to grow many types of cash crops.
  • Businessmen such as William Ponton and John Forbes capitalized on the trades routes offered via. the Gulf of Mexico. 

What do you find most interesting about this Article? 

That Florida was split into two territories by the British during their rule. Also, I found it interesting that the British ruled over Florida for a time, I thought it was a Spanish only state until the U.S bought it.  

Create an Artistic interpretation of one of the treaty signing and flag changing ceremony that would have followed. 


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